Darwin Day

February 12, Wednesday

Darwin Day
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Darwin Day is celebrated on 12 February to commemorate the birthday of Charles Darwin, an English naturalist and biologist who is one of the most influential scientists in history. The day is dedicated to his contributions to science, particularly his theory of evolution through natural selection.

Charles Darwin was born on 12 February 1809. His famous work, On the Origin of Species, published in 1859, revolutionised our understanding of biology by providing a mechanism to explain how species evolve and change over time. His studies of evolution and naturalistic observations during his voyage around the world on the Beagle changed our views on biodiversity and the origin of species.

Events. Darwin Day is celebrated with lectures, discussions, exhibitions and events dedicated to science and education. Special lessons and presentations are held in schools on the theory of evolution and Darwin's contributions to science.

Scientific Societies Many scientific and educational organizations use the day to raise awareness of science, rational thinking, and the importance of the scientific method.

Cultural events: In addition to educational events, some groups organize celebrations, including science-inspired themed parties and cultural events.

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